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Instructions & Downloads

To interface with your flight simulator of choice, the Octavi IFR-1 needs a piece of software. There are multiple options to choose from, depending on what you want to use it for. We offer a bespoke plug-ins for use with X-Plane and MSFS 2020 & 2024. These are configuration-free and tailored to be used with General Aviation aircraft. If you want to use Octavi with different types of aircraft or if you are planning a custom set-up, MobiFlight offers the flexibility you need. Have a look at the table below to find the best option for you.

You can have the plug-ins and MobiFlight installed at the same time without any issues. Just make sure to disable the X-Plane plugin via the plugin manager when you want to use MobiFlight to prevent unexpected behaviour.

Important: Do not try to configure Octavi IFR-1 in your flight simulator (leave all buttons unassigned, no calibration).

8.33 kHz / 25 kHz?: A few years ago, a higher-density channel spacing was introduced in Europe, reducing the spacing between to possible frequencies to 8.33 kHz. If you intend to use actual European radio frequencies in your simulation (e.g. for VATSIM, ICAO), make sure to get the 8.33 kHz version of the plug-in! If you've never heard of this, you should be fine with the 25 kHz version for now.

X-Plane plug-in (Windows)

- Configuration-free

- Ideal for General Aviation aircraft

Installation (using installer):

- Download installer (see below)

- Run setup (contained in downloaded .zip-file). The installer will place the plug-in in all X-Plane installations present on your computer (versions 10, 11 and 12).

- Start X-Plane

Installation (manual installation):

*note: the manual installation is intended for special cases, such as a moved X-Plane directory. If in doubt, use the installer.

- Download "Manual install"-file below

- Unzip to [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\

- When done, check that there now is a folder "Octavi" in the plugins directory

- Start X-Plane

Detailed Instructions (PDF)




X-Plane plug-in (MacOS)

- Configuration-free

- Ideal for General Aviation aircraft


- Download .zip-file below

- Unzip to [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\

- When done, check that there now is a folder "Octavi" in the plugins directory

- Start X-Plane


Microsoft Flight Simulator plug-in

- For MSFS2020 and MSFS2024

- Configuration-free

- Ideal for General Aviation aircraft


- Download installer (see below)

- Run setup (contained in downloaded .zip-file). The installer will place a shortcut on your desktop. Note: Windows SmartScreen might show you a warning. If this is the case, click "more info" -> "run anyway".

- The plug-in will run in the background as an icon tray application and load when Windows starts.

Important: starting the plug-in manually is not required anymore with the latest version!


- Fully customizable

- For X-Plane and MSFS


- Download and install MobiFlight

- Download the .zip-file below

- Execute "Octavi_GUID_fix.reg"

- Start MobiFlight

- Download and extract a profile from the list below

- Load the profile by clicking "File"->"Open" in MobiFlight

- Hit "run" in MobiFlight

- Start flight simulator

MobiFlight Profiles

X-Plane General Aviation GNS530/430

- for X-Plane 10 and newer
- General Aviation aircraft (e.g. Cessna 172)
- Garmin GNS530/430

MSFS General Aviation GNS530/430

- for Microsoft Flight Simulator
- General Aviation aircraft (e.g. Cessna 172)
- Garmin GNS530/430

MSFS General Aviation G1000

- for Microsoft Flight Simulator
- General Aviation aircraft (e.g. Cessna 172)
- Garmin GNS530/430

MSFS Carenado Mooney M20R

- for Microsoft Flight Simulator
- based on GA profile
- adapted for KAP297 autopilot

Black Square TBM 850

- for Microsoft Flight Simulator
- custom EFIS integration - NAV source on CRS1 <->

PMDG 737

- for Microsoft Flight Simulator
- custom function assignments - see overview in .zip-file

PMDG 777

- for Microsoft Flight Simulator
- custom function assignments - see overview in .zip-file


- for Microsoft Flight Simulator
- custom function assignments - see overview in .zip-file

Fenix A320

- for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
- Read the A320 profile instructions

FlyByWire A32NX

- for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
- Read the A320 profile instructions

MobiFlight FAQ

Q: How do I use the Fenix/FlyByWire A320 profiles?

A: Please read and follow the instructions.


Q: Why do I need to execute "Octavi_GUID_fix.reg"?

A: We have set up MobiFlight configuration profiles so you can get going right away. In these profiles, the Octavi IFR-1 is referenced with its "GUID". This ID will be different for every computer. To enable it to work with your installation, this registry fix changes the GUID to what is stored in the MobiFlight profile. We are in discussions with the MobiFlight community to find a more elegant solution for this.


Q: Where do I find the MobiFlight profiles?

A: The .zip-file you downloaded contains a folder named "Profiles". You will find it in the location you unzipped the files to.


Q: Which profile do I need?

A: X-Plane profiles are prefixed with "XP_", MSFS profiles with "MSFS_". The second part of the name refers to the aircraft they are intended for (e.g. C172 for Cessna 172s). The _C172 profile works for all typical GA aircraft.

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